Shovel work!

Whoof! Bear with me, I am trying to get all of the Trixieverse Builds LP up onto this site. If I do it, there can be back/forth links and searchability and tags and stuff, PLUS comments that don’t involve Google Plus! I’m trying to make it so that new YT uploads automatically go here. It works some of the time.

I’ve got the Applejinx songs up, and I hope to get all the Trixieverse books up here as well (though I’ll need to fuss with the BBcode to do it). If I do that I can use the adult-class Project Wonderful ads on it :)

Apologies for some of the PW ads, I figure me being me it’d be pretty hypocritical to banish risque webcomic ads. Anyways, they’re throwing me a few cents here and there :)

If you use IntenseDebate, I can have you commenting with a poni avatar (if that’s what you use)!

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