Category Archives: Trixieverse Books

The Trixieverse novels, on!


“Um…” came the little voice.

Applejack blinked. She looked behind her. She leapt two feet in the air and dropped her burden.

“Sour mash an’ sweet apples!” she cried. “Rock Candy, look at you! What in Equestria is the reason for that get-up?” Continue reading


“Is this awesome or what?” said Northern Spy. “Now come over here and let me do you. We’re a team!”

Rock Candy’s eyes were very wide. He trembled, and he didn’t move the slightest bit toward eager Spy, the newly Fanged Streak. Continue reading

Gimme A Dun Dun Dunn

“Applejaaack!” wailed Rainbow Dash.


“It’s… huurrk!”

“Make up yer damn mind,” snorted Applejack. “It was your idea, sugarcube! As far as I’m concerned, it’s still a lettuce-stealin’ varmint. Do you want to feed it or not?” Continue reading


The drapes were luxurious in the Diplomacy Suite, sumptuous and brocaded. Trixie eyed them speculatively.

“Nice, huh?” said Twilight. “This is for visiting dignitaries. When I was growing up here, Princess Celestia wouldn’t let me play in this room, even when nopony was using it.” Continue reading


“Wait, Rainbow, start over,” said Twilight. “Slow down. Gilda’s back? Does anypony know that? The last time she was in town we nearly had a riot! Rarity got trampled trying to protect Derpy Hooves!”

“She’s not really in town!” said Rainbow Dash. “I told you! She was in the Everfree Forest, lurking around trying to get some hot pony action! And that’s not the craziest part, either!”

Twilight was blinking rapidly as thoughts raced through her head. “I suppose the Everfree Forest might be an appropriate place for Gilda…”

“She’s in love with Fluttershy!” Continue reading


Twilight Sparkle, her mouth a hard and unforgiving line, walked steadily along the Ghastly Gorge, heading west. When tears did not obscure her vision, she saw the mountains of Los Pegasus rising in the distance, to the west. She didn’t begrudge the tears. Now was the time for them. When she found her quarry, there would be no time for tears. And after she found her quarry, there would be no ‘later’ in which to have them. Continue reading