Author Archives: Applejinx

Tumblin’ Rose

For a while, Hina didn’t notice the little ponies following her. One rouge and blonde-maned, one pink and lime-maned, one cream and red-maned, all bore flowers for cutie marks and all trailed hesitantly behind the Kirin, torn between wanting her attention yet not wanting to be noticed by so fearsome a creature. Caught by some shared temptation, the three flower ponies crept furtively in Hina’s wake, their eyes huge and wide, the three making not a sound. Continue reading



Just across the hallway of the cozy little pony house, the atmosphere of chaotically strewn records, stained futon and pristinely polished turntables gave way to an empty room with splendidly polished floor and no clutter at all. Instead, the room held a single cello and its counterpart, the equally curvaceous Octavia. Her trim little collar lay on the floor beside the industriously coupling musical pair, for Octavia sought inspiration and she’d let her mane down and gotten naked, the better to grapple with her musical challenges. Continue reading


Gilda peered fretfully at the ominous device. “So… what the heck is that?”

Twilight smiled brightly, perhaps too brightly for such an early morning hour. “Measurements. I’ve adapted it from an earlier experiment. Trixie says she got a feel for what was happening, last night.”

The griffin’s expression was nervous. “Oh, she got a feel all right,” she said, and then as Twilight approached her, she squawked “Not so fast!”

Twilight, rebuffed, blinked. “Why would it matter if I do this fast or slow?”

“Well,” said Gilda grudgingly, “okay. You can’t say I don’t cooperate. Just… can you at least tell me where you’re going to insert it?” Continue reading

Meanwhile Back At Canterlot

That same evening, the halls of Canterlot had echoed with high-pitched squealing.


It reverberated everywhere, ignored by stuffy and proper unicorn nobility who rolled their eyes as if they’d heard such sounds before.

And they had, too. Continue reading

Research And Development

Gilda’s birdlike talons wrapped a little closer, protectively. She peered to and fro, uncertain.

Cuddled in those bony, furless arms, Northern Spy nestled against Gilda’s feathery chest. Her wide, fillyish eyes explored everything she could see, and there was a lot to see.

Beakers bubbled. Retorts burbled. Vile foamy liquids went ‘blurp’ ominously.

Twilight Sparkle, clad in a long white lab coat and her mane madly disheveled, beamed toothily at her test subjects. “Welcome to my other secret basement! I promise you probably have nothing to worry about!” Continue reading

Fluttershy, Revised

Fluttershy curled up into an uncomfortable little ball under her bed, the wooden planks wedging against the illusory feathers of her wings. She made a face and curled tighter, ignoring the pain. Maybe her wings would break, she thought. It’s not like she couldn’t fix them anyway, no matter how broken they became. Her evilness would make sure of that. She sobbed at the injustice of it all… the unfairest thing was that she couldn’t even be harmless.

Out in the room, Gilda’s terrifying claws scrabbled against the floor, and dug in several inches, splintering the wood.

“Please come out! Please! I love you!” Continue reading